Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baby Blogs and Too Much Information

Do mommy bloggers have a right to share their children's stories? MSNBC ran an article. I identified with that. While my little dumpling has her fair share of adventures, I don't want her to be embarrassed by what gets posted on internet. 

However, that won't stop me from dishing about our latest breastfeeding incident. Usually, nursing is a very pleasant and snugly experience. Imagine my horror when she used her two new teeth to bite me. It really hurt. She did it four more times throughout the day. Each time I popped her off of the breast, told her no, and put the buffet away. She fussed, and I let her nurse after a few minutes. She's a smart one because she has been very gentle ever since then. 

My mother smirked and reported that I used to bite her, lean back and smile at her. That was when she decided twelve months was enough nursing for me. Until I personally experienced a nip-- hey, it still smarts days after the fact--I thought she was exaggerating. The dumpling seems to understand the manners required to continue nursing. I hope to continue until she's at least a year old. 

She's so worth it. Yesterday she gave me two kisses when I picked her up from daycare. 

1 comment:

  1. The beautiful thing about our participation in universal creation is that we are the creators of our own thoughts, and thus we shape the ever-changing creation that is our own life.
